Monday, July 26, 2010

Domino Effect and a Really Bad Trip

      With ME/CFS, one setback can lead to several other problems. My body doesn't have any stability. I have continued to get sicker since my last post. I even had a nightmare episode were my husband took me to the ER. I won't go into the details of my symptoms at this point, but I will say that I did have a form of paralysis. The ER kept me there for 6 hours, did lots of blood tests and X-rays. The DR said , basically, "Yes, we can see what you are saying is true, but we don't have any way to help you. It doesn't appear to be a stroke." The nurse who checked me in was horrible. She closed the curtain and angrily informed me that I was wasting the ER's time. I pointed out that she hadn't read the intake form, and she was mistaking my condition for something else. She looked at the file, and then became very quiet. She never talked to me again, nor did she apologize. (I was fortunate that my husband witnessed this incident, or I might have questioned my mental state.) I haven't been in an ER for over 2 years... the last time was when my husband and I were run down by a car in a parking lot. I avoid ER's!
      Now there is an investigation into what happen that afternoon. The hospital administration was further upset when they discovered that I was released without treatment. (I have very good insurance, so this isn't a money issue.)
      I regret going to the ER and asking for help. One of the investigators asked me if I would be using their facility in the future. I replied: "When I am dead."